EEHV1 – EEHV6: an intermediate branch between the Betaherpesvirinae & Gammaherpesvirinae; an all new Deltaherpesvirinae just for elephants? Actually, all elephants carry some kind of herpesvirus that usually stays inactive, however, a study completed in October of 2024 showed that a stressed herd shed inactive EEHV1 & EEHV2, when exposed to social stress. This “induced” stress infection was shed (large amounts of EEHV1A) with the protection of maternal antibodies. Resulting in the remaining 18 month infant elephant seroconversion to EEHV1B. An increased EEHV1B antibody level was still remaining after 18 months! So…..
” I was just thinking…as I was reading this conference paper: [Schaftenaar, Willem & Schilp, Chrispijn & Gastelaars, Heleen & Kruger-Velema, Christine. (2024). Can a primary EEHV infection in an Asian elephant (E. maximus) be induced by (social) stress?.] I started thinking about how poaching in the 80’s took out almost half of Africa’s elephants. Poaching still goes on today, with African Ivory going to ASIAN markets. Asian poaching still active, although it has slowed down greatly, the biggest stressor for Asians seems to be habitat loss. So this magnanomouse wild stressor, then aver since 1991, zoos goin to protected contact, BIG changes in the years to follow. BIG stressor..
Beautiful Asian male, 2018 Mynamar, poached with GPS collar and all! Get them body cams?…It’s been awile…there’s mostly poisoning and snares now….
Known transmissions – mucus transfer, shedding
Possible other transmissions – Other body fluids, semen, milk, foodstuffs? Other possible animal carriers? calving?
Physical presentations? Male? Female? Infection Rate? Infection demographics?
Survival rate? Survivor stats? Common denominators? Do surviving elephants carry antibodies?
Can EEHV be studied outside the body? How long does the virus live out side of the body?
Effective decontamination/ preventions known or available?