Jungle Elephant Habitat Design: 1,000,000 square feet.
“Tempat Daripada Yang Gajah” : Place Of The Elephant (Malay, Borneo dialect) Elephant Habitat Design
Location: Oakland Zoo, Oak. Ca 94603
Habitat includes but not limited to
One (1) indoor housing and Bull Krajl dedicated to bull elephants able to accommodate 2 bulls.
One (1) indoor housing and outdoor habitat space to accommodate herd of 4 cows w/ 1 calf ea.
Environment to accommodate natural skin care behaviors such as dusting and mud bathing
Ample water supply to bathe, and drink, at all times
Note: Tile drains throughout the habitat will drain all water catch to cisterns dedicated to the Elephant set. This is to stabilize terrain and substrates while conserving water. Water pumps for the elephant habitat use collected and stored solar power.
Interior housing, steel/concrete, minimum 400 sq ft for each single stall, 650 sq ft for Cows with calves and single Bulls. Interior height no less than 30 feet in height, as mature African bull elephants can reach a height of 24 feet, and variable reach with trunks. All interior pipes, vents and interior workings should be covered and inaccessible to elephants. Heated floors for even winter heating. Overhead heating lamps for lighter heating needs or in combination when needed. A system of fans and filtered ventilation in operation at all times to avoid stagnant air and keep interior air quality at a maximum.
Outdoor habitat enclosure 23 acres, approximately 1,000,000 Sq Ft. Enclosure space bordering XXXXXXXX OOOOO XXXX open public space should be walled off with a boulder design keeping even the largest elephants from getting closer to the wall and reaching over, tusking the wall, boulders must be secured and tall enough to discourage climbing. Enclosure facing zoo, should be fenced in with 8”x8” steel cast studs ’12 feet ea. Each stud anchored in the ground no less than 4 feet. Stud spacing no more no less than 8 feet apart. Three levels of 1/2 inch steel cables, first at the top, next cables spaced 2.5 feet apart downward, leaving approx 6 inches at bottom.
Substrates in the habitat will be varied in texture and content to provide adequate footing shored up where needed for safety to prevent slipping, tripping, & landslides,
Consistent Incline of habitat starting from entry level area (first 20-30 yards) at front of enclosure beginning at no less than 20° angle, to the back at a maximum 30° angle leveling off 20-30 yards before the enclosing walls and fences to ensure perimeter security and stability. The main incline of the habitat combined with smaller variable inclines/declines to promote walking strength while improving visibility of the habitat.
Rest Areas of no less than 4 each on both sides, at ’20x’20 to ensure suitable shaded rest space. These shaded spaces should be also include a single large space ’30x’50 for herd when needed. Steel studs used may be wrapped with scratching /rubbing brushes to accommodate skin care.
Natural Behavior Accommodation
Mud and sand baths located on opposite side of habitat away from water pool. Mud baths, Sand Bowl, Large Pool also shall be same dimension for uniform capacity calculation, and cleaning. Large Water pool (rounded) measuring ’30 x ’50 x ’10 deep x (5.9), approximately 88,500 gallons. Large Pool will have adequate filters and drains to ensure water quality and prevent back flow & clogging. Large pool will have a graduated slope inward to the max depth at the center with the shallows around the outer ledges. A smaller water “fountain” with “waterfall” placed in habitat triangulated with pool, mud & sand baths. This triangulated positioning is to keep enough space between each medium to avert mudflow into pools, as the same with sand, although the mixing of mediums will happen. Graduated filters can be used for maximum filtering results. This will be a waterfall from outcrop of a designed overhang to provide showering as method of bathing. Recessed approx 1 foot within a wall niche in in the waterfall shower area,a drinking trough: Trough Opening 5 feet up from the ground and 3 feet deep x 2 feet wide x 6 feet long. The waterfall/fountain combination provides another drinking source on the other side of the habitat (free of bathing debris) with additional “fountains” in the interior of the enclosure also for drinking. each fountain circulating 50 gallons (minimum) for each elephant at all times. Example: 3 cows, 2 calves, = 5 elephants @ 50 gal ea = 250 gal. Or 1 male bull each fountain would circulate a minimum of 50 gallons.Draining water easily reclaimed and filtered. Each large drinking fountain raised up enough to discourage soaking or bathing, while having a great enough circumference to allow multiple elephants to drink at once if necessary, as this is conducive to their natural behavior.
The Elephant enclosure will be split in half with the Bull Krajl taking the more secluded side of enclosure. An “elephant” divider and gate will allow bull/cow contact within safe parameters until deemed appropriate for the cow to enter bull’s enclosure, or vice versa if not an imminent danger to calves. Included on the herd side will also be spaces designed for birthing possibilities and cow and calf quarantine until they are ready to rejoin the herd. As well as other cul de sacs in the dense habitat foilage.
The above design and construction concepts are based on known requirements of the Elephant species, accommodating comfort and quality of life needs. Also requirements from Association of Zoos & Aquariums, as well as existing construction.
Elephant grass and fast growing bamboo along with other giant grasses will be grown in set to provide a sustainable foraging source while providing an enriched environment for browsing, exploring, shade, solitude, resting. These rapidly growing grasses will also help stabilize terrain.
Other quickly regenerating edible foliage will be planted in addition to edible trees such as maples, acacias, orchids, and other vegetation. Some of the “seasonal” garden areas can be gated off to regenerate until the appropriate season for foraging. In this way little alcoves of interest can be rotated to prevent habituation, while providing time for regrowth, such as African sweet potatoes grown in an enrichment alcove closed off for a few seasons will allow ample growth for the subterranean part of the plant as well as at the surface level. This internal method allows a small diversity of foods to be sustainably included in the elephants diet without being costly.