Domesticated Elephants 9 Boundaries ___

Past Times

Val DeLeon. Early Elephant keeper at the Oakland Zoo.  Seen here with Kimi, his true elephant friend.
Val DeLeon & his first elephant FRIEND Kimi, Early (3rd) Elephant & Trainer at the Oakland Zoo. (CIRCA 1970’s)

Seen (right) during an exhibition of exercise with Kimi (Elephas Maximus Borneensis) at antique elephant set in Oakland Zoo.

First Elephant Trainer in North America To Single Stud 4 African Females at the same time, Bred the first African Elephant Born in North America. Although the entertainment training is antiquated, the forefathers had the right idea, we just needed more learning. Domestic elephants should be walked & exercised daily to avoid health problems. Now in the new day, elephants can TRAIN for a NEW way. Possibly sentient enough to consciously help in their own conservation and protection to avoid extinction.

Domesticated Elephants

The Rosamond Gifford Zoo

Aren’t these people AMAZING with their animals! These are the type of models that should be part of the Academy of the Elephant Order. All animals are important, of course. EEHV has been sweeping so many elephants into death. Elephant physiology is still somewhat mysterious. I believe the animal care world needs a unified Academy to standardize care with treatment for elephants worldwide. (BELOW) Modern Medicine Innovates Veterinary Vaccine:1st Dose goes to: (Look at how pretty & clean their calves (punks) are.)

PHOTO CREDIT: Rosamond Gifford Zoo. 1 Conservation Place,
Syracuse, NY 13204.
(315) 435-8511.

My name is Rachael DeLeon Bailey. This website is nothing more than my digital desk of notes, writings, and readings. I have been away from animal care for a while. As I familiarize myself in detail to the modern day elephant problems, I see they are pretty much the same. Regretfully, the Borneo elephants are disappearing at an alarming rate. With 131 elephant deaths recorded between 2010 -2019. In reaction, the Borneo Elephant Action Plan For Sabah 2020-2029 was assembled by the Sabah Wildlife Department (2020)

This comment may get frowns, oh well. In regards to tusked elephants, I think their tusks should be left alone to grow to their full potential. I wanted to interject this as I saw a story of a well known tusker, with tusks estimated at 100 lbs each. He was shot dead while being filmed for a documentary. There is a detrimental phenomenon happening with both elephant species in regards to their lack of tusks, even in both species males. The “Tusk” gene is being picked away… Ex Situ conservation protects wildlife from such threat factors. Fortunately there are more Tuskers TRYING to follow in his footsteps…IN THE WILD, but it’s never really wild because there’s PEOPLE OUT THERE doing various activities, logging, poaching, construction, waterworks, traps, poison, STRESS INDUCED HERPES… The human efforts are great, I believe there also needs to be a back up plan. Once they’re gone, there’s NO UNDO, so what’s wrong with having a back up plan? In theory if your elephant is trained” and “educated” he could be just that more sentient of and mindful his interactions. Although there still is ALWAYS A RISK.

It seems that the In situ conservation efforts might be more effective with effective funding as the well planned and funded actions get positive results for elephants & people while considering the needs for both, but which species is more flexible without detriment?…People of course. If these in situ facilities are caring for the constant health maintenance of an animal that can’t be rehabilitated, how long can that go on and not hinder funding? These animals can be rescued, cared for in a comprehensive manner, and appreciated for their mental abilities and the possible impact on future domestic herds. If such a purchase is to happen said money would go back into home rescue facility, to continue In situ conservation & protection. Such goals could be accomplished in the way of conservation, In situ & Ex situ. I think that there should be an “Elephant Academy” assembled by industry professionals. The purpose is to “Educate & Train” elephants and their handlers in techniques & habits to employ on a daily basis. These techniques and habits are tried and proven methods that enhance daily living into daily learning, taking into account that elephant physiology can be affected by mental factors, while encompassing the handlers safety. Example given: an elephant may lack appetite due to ongoing stressors. To avoid such issues and keep the elephant in constant bliss, which may also hold back the herpes, both the elephant and handler can be “schooled” to communicate with each other. An Elephant Operations manual of sorts. This would also standardize many other components of elephant care, ensuring continuous uniform care to ensure the future of domestic elephant herds. Of course each facility decides how intricate their elephant enrichment can go, but there will always be defined limitations in the interest of the elephant. This in turn with a plan of ongoing care, for all domestic elephants, in theory can keep domestic herds semi self sufficient, while bolstering wild populations with “educated & medicated” stock bred for wild release. These ideas are expandable…I wonder if elephants could translate what other animals say? Educated elephants released in the wild could teach/lead wild elephants away from danger. Showing them how to help themselves…far out, so I am compelled to give this subject it’s own page…

This plan developed to mitigate anthropogenic effects on the Boreal Elephant population. The five main problems facing Borneo Elephants, alone not to mention the other elephant species, but whom are just as adversely affected by similar if not the same issues: 

1. Habitat loss: Encroaching development, agriculture, logging 2. Human – elephant conflict. Snares placed directly in known elephant habitats adjacent to monoculture plantations.  Evidence of animals being shot.  3. Poaching.  Intentional activities.  4. Logging.  Frequently damages ecology, while injuring/killing wildlife.  Disturbs waterways, water use, to human populations as well. 5.  Dwindling Genetic Diversity.  The reduced contact/access between elephant populations due to habitat loss/fracturing, human-elephant conflicts, poachers and snaring, and loss of resource access by 2019 resulted in 131 Borneo elephant deaths.

The reasoning for this? Actually, this has been going on for a while. African Ivory is known to be harder, doesn’t yellow with age, or has a pinkish tone, like Asian Ivory. As well as being shorter, Asian tusk is higher in density and noticeably more brittle. Asian ivory was used in smaller carvings, trinkets, and more casual work. If you have ever seen serious ivory carvings, how creamy and detailed the overall appearance is. However, there are some exceptions, (although it doesn’t seem like it from here) East African & Zanzibar tusks were deemed too soft, and tusk from French Sudan because of coloring irregularities that gave a “mottled” appearance on finished work. Elephant tusks were just the beginning, their skins and other parts sold for novelty, their meat slaughtered to feed soldiers. Today in the WILD, close to impoverished human settlements, animals of all species are poached to ease the burden of poverty. This act, done in desperation, exacerbates the ecology problem, involving homesteads that rely on farming for a living. Less elephants spreading seeds and fertilizing matter, less growth to hold moisture in ground longer, less cooling, shaded areas. So now the ionosphere and the atmosphere are drying out, so how well do you think growing in the biosphere is gonna go? No crops to eat or sell, nor are there many Social programs to help. So an elephant tusk and meat etc will go a long way, for awhile,….this is what the African Elephant faces among other stressors that are NOT NATURAL. Man made interference needs man made intervention. Zoos & Aquariums are mankind’s interface with God’s Wild Kingdom.

Link to Story:

Ex Situ Conservation: Little Pygmie, Big Problem

So while it would seem that wild animals belong in the wild, the wild is disappearing, almost at an exponential rate. With the deaths being a constant via one cause or another, the point is, they are dying faster than earth can grow them.

How long does it take to grow 131 elephants?

The primary loss of continuous habitat forests converted for agriculture results in 60% of elephant habitat loss.  The umbrella of elephant corridors also help harbor other forest species.  Their size requires access to resources of their large home forests that quickly disappear under the footprint of anthropogenic developments, Palm oil monocultures, logging and other agriculture.

Precious Pygmy elephant genes destroyed by snare injuries.  

As the Borneo Pygmy Elephants populations disappear, we are left to woe and wonder over an innocently suffering beast, whom reminds us of their once majestic presence with an occasional bloated corpse in the forest. 

Snares set by palm oil workers taking a toll on pygmy elephants of Borneo

MONGA BAY.COM (October 12, 2008)

“So when someone refers to zoo elephants as imprisoned, I would say “more like protective custody”

Maybe just my opinion, but every time any of the pygmies die, there is DNA loss.  I think this, along with the splintering rate, their habitat is shrinking, and cutting off bull & herd contacts will affect DNA diversity. Also known as inbreeding.  Also, having all the world’s Pygmys in one place, in an already fragile ecosystem, trying to survive in the shadow of monoculture giants, a large disaster, even natural, in theory, a singular destructive event could wipe out how many more?! As natural flooding already contributes to habitat fragmenting.

Besides the recurring (wicked) problems that Borneo wildlife faces, this careless “Trapping,” even when accidental, is a potential “Last Of Something” that we ignorantly destroy and dispose of. The severity of some injuries are such that baby elephants quickly develop gangrene and die because wound treatment is difficult due to the elephants tight protective social structure.  Tranquilizing and scaring off the rest of the herd to collect and treat snared elephant would probably involve amputation and captivity.  Deemed too cruel (and probably too expensive) to live handicapped in captivity.

The permanent presence of people already agitates elephant populations one way or another, so the effort to disassociate from any actions the animal may consider negative/aggressive, should be considered.

According to Dr. Senthilvel Nathan, Chief Field Veterinarian for the Sabah Wildlife Department.

“…we know elephants are highly intelligent and once they recognize that humans have taken one of their young. This could develop into a more serious problem as they might become more aggressive towards humans.”

All these anthropogenic activities considered, how long, if ever, will it take for corrective action? If there are only approximately 1,500 left in the wild, and the world lost 131 (known) Borneo Elephants in 9 years? How many can be lost within 20 years? With new water and land use by anthropogenic developments, will the death rate go down or up? Will there habitat forests continue to be fractured?

Living Seed Banks

While zoos are not appreciated by all, I feel that zoos and aquariums are paramount in the conservation and proliferation of all elephants. I think this because of all the afore mentioned wildlife afflictions that are in constant motion causing wicked problems for all wildlife, especially the endangered. The human populace of Borneo seems to become less and less caring of wildlife and more objective towards big monocultures. While there are collar programs, and other protective rights in place, these do not carry a lot of weight as proving guilt is difficult due to the seclusion of the forest. So maybe its worth it to tranquilize a mother and infant. Maybe go in smelling like predator feces on your shoes? If anything to save a precious elephant life.

Zoos can be at the forefront of the conservation and proliferation of Elephas maximus borneensis. I think that evacuating at least 2 – 3 breeding pairs would be a good start. Dispersing these living seed banks into varied areas as a protection measure. I feel that the elephants disabled by snares can be successfully imported to different locations, to be successfully bred. The purpose: To eventually breed back to wild elephant populations. As the “Snare” babies suffer such injuries, due to a few factors, they are left to die. In reality there is nothing wrong with these “snare” babies. Of course, returning to the wild with such disabilities to their body puts them at a detriment. It’s also said that their life at a facility would be depressing and lacking, I think that their life in a facility CAN be rewarding and very informative in the way of research. Their lives as ambassadors to the human world can be communication of education. Can you imagine the insight an elephant could give you? As zoo residents they should be slightly spoiled and pampered, why not? Instead of imposing care cost at a native facility, why not let zoos purchase, to help offset costs of the next snare baby. Offset funding could also go towards healthy elephants in the wild. Partial Profits made by the zoo exhibition of elephants can also be invested back into Borneo directly. Also, as a zoo ambassador, they will have access to treatments and prosthetics. Prosthetic use would be a real attention-getter for the pygmies cause. Also I am now painfully aware of the PALM OIL monoculture. Elephant herds (up to 15 elephants) have been known to be poisoned and killed off in one day.

I think a world-class zoo with medical facilities equipped with truck scales would be good candidates as, ideally, they would be administering treatments and furnishing prosthetics. Even without the involvement of prosthetics, studies could be done a lot more thoroughly with a “trained” elephant that is able to be “handled”. I know the word “Trained” may conjure up visions of cruelty and forced tricks for entertainment. To that I offer, again modern methods. Just as dentistry has made wonderful innovations and advancements. My childhood dentist, a real nice gentleman, and a family friend as well, had a very archaic set of needles. Thinking back, his “small” needle was comparable to my .005 pen. Very fine for a pen, not so fine of a needle. Of course it was not his purpose to torture me,. and put me thru agony and fear, but it was necessary to treat my teeth, and that was the set of tools he had. Thankfully, no one uses those anymore. So all those tricks actually started out as exercises, as elephants sometimes have a constipation problem because their intestinal peristalsis and segmentation are affected by walking or lack thereof. So what may have seemed like making an elephant grovel, was just a way of teaching the elephant to stretch, etc. Now modern days have modern ways. My grandfather raised his elephant with almost no reinforcement with bull hook. The hook should be used to let the elephant know where you are, and give direction, unless your elephant understands left, right, down, up. This can be done with the right information with patience, determination, and focus, and a newly designed tool. If this can be done with injured pygmies, why not any injured elephant deemed a burden and unable to return to the wild? The animals can be bred to conserve and proliferate. Probably a little deeper than that, but that’s all I have for now.

A quick correction: Tame Elephants

I would like to add that throughout my digital desk & student notes, I have used the term “Domestic Elephants”. This is a phrase I learned growing up in a zoo setting. The reasoning was: As there are no wild elephants in America, they are domestic. Well as I have been away for awhile, upon returning, I have since learned the scientific meaning of domestic. I read an article by Joyce Poole (in situ), and she called them TAME elephants. I (ex situ) have great respect for her and her work, and although she may not agree with my theories and experiences, I will have to say although the world is not all black and white, but many shades of grey, the scientific definition of “domestic” is piebald, and I will have to concede; elephants in zoos and preserves are tame elephants. While I love longstanding traditions, I believe in science. I believe that science is God’s way of showing us how His miracles are done. TAME elephants is the best term for me. When I hear captivity, it does not seem to reflect the progress that has been initiated by zoos and aquariums. Also, captive elephants are NOT necessarily tame elephants. from this point forward tame elephants will be my reference term.

Education Overview


4 Years Training Apprentice Elephant Handler

Oakland Zoo, Oakland CA. 1980-1984 Supervisor: Val DeLeon: Oakland Zoo Curator, Elephant Trainer.


Baccalaureate Of Science – Zoology Focus: Animal Health & Behavior

Currently enrolled At: Unity Environmental University,


Certificate Of Completion American Sign Language

Currently Enrolled At: Santa Barbara City College; Online Studies


Certificate Of Completion Graphic Design

Chabot Jr. College, Hayward CA.


Certificate Of Completion Photography Liquid/Digital

Chabot Jr. College, Hayward CA.


Dietary Manager Course Of Study

Merritt Jr. College, Oakland CA.

Summary of skills


• Ovens/Grills/Broilers • Fryers
• Auto Slicers
• Pressure Steamers. • Tilting Skillet
• Cauldron (150 Gal)
• 10# Hand mixer
• Mixers/Blenders
• Rollers
• Dish machines
• Pellet Heater/Steam Table


• PBX Switchboard • Mac/Windows OS • Micro Office / Adobe Print & Web Creative Suite. • Fiery Command Workstation • Data Merge Mass Mailings • Color laser/B/W dot matrix Production Printers; Xerox, Cannon • Foil cartridge printer/Glue & coil binders • Guillotine Cutter/Roto hand trimmer • Cold/hot/glue press mounting/binding, laminating. • OCR, negative & print scanning


• Film loading, developing, enlarging, fix printing, wash, finishing. • Enlargers, lenses ,filters, papers. Print & negative dryers. • Liquid Processing chemicals; developer/fix/wash, etc. • Color toning chemicals. • Oversize Scanning, printing, mounting, laminating • Drill Punch, preferring, scoring, folding machines


Personal Conservation Endeavor

Privately seeking to start “Elephant – Human Communications” based off of “Button experiments” performed by elephant biologist named CAITLIN O’CONNELL, with DONNA the Elephant at the Oakland Zoo, approx late 90’s, in her book: The Elephant’s Secret Sense: The Hidden Life of the Wild Herds of Africa by Caitlin O’Connell. As well as their own communications.As canines do well with these buttons, I believe the elephant sentience will enable them to communicate with humans. It’s just a matter of asking the right way. In theory, the insight of an elephant could be priceless. Suda of Thailand highlands paints, Kongkam, also Thailand, writes a little. I believe taken more seriously, would produce viable data . Also, could they be translators…”Educated Elephants” could be used out in the wild. The possibilities are amazing. Also I currently have an acceptable tool that could humanely replace the bull hook. Based on one of my Grandfathers suggestions. As well as handling techniques, with modern evolvement. Until then, I’m seeking employment/volunteer with a zoo or similar. To bolster my Baccalaureate of Science studies, focus Animal Behavior & Health. Also, I am studying American Sign Language, to help in passing on conservation ideals to the next generations. With this said I am prepared for the long term interactive study and observation. I would use gained knowledge to further protect all elephants. As all species are dwindling. In theory, a major disaster in Borneo for instance, could potentially wipe out out a whole species. Last known numbers: Know Sumatrans approx 2,400. Known Borneans, approx 1,600.

Of course eventually I have to find some where to enact these ideals.

I have studied the United Nations Agendas; 2021 – 2045, and sustainability is a absolute for the future, as it makes sense. If Zoos & Aquarium collections are amply stocked, with contemporary medical facilities to support animal collection, medical studies, laboratory studies, veterinary support for wild/larger animals not available elsewhere. In this manner, zoos & aquariums are an integral part of conservancy & sustainability. While showcasing the ambassadors of the animal world at their best & brightest, Zoos & Aquariums inspire future generations thru a close connection.

1980 -1984 Apprentice Elephant Handler Weekends & Summers Oakland Zoo

Zoo Supervisor: Valentine DeLeon, Elephant Trainer & Consultant Oakland Zoo, Oak. CA

Mr. DeLeon’s Vision

Mr DeLeon initiated an elephant breeding program that would:
Enable zoo to breed their own show stock. Allows for easier handling as animals bred/grown/groomed in captivity.

Elephants more likely to follow verbal cues, personality more predictable.

Program studies & findings shared to benefit & promote other breeding programs according to animal.

Enable zoo to breed for wild populations when/where needed. Bolstering wild populations with medically fortified stock.

Zoos also had purpose as an arboretum, as breeding & gardening flora native to relative sets, also a form sustainable conservation.

Zoos should be medically prepared at the forefront.

Program studies & findings shared to benefit & promote other breeding programs according to animal.

Apprentice Duties

Apprentice Elephant Handler: Assisted Elephant Trainer with morning set up ,including diets, mixed per his breeding program. All elephant food mixed & stored in elephant house. display set. Cleanliness, Help move elephants out for the day,Shadowed trainer thru all daily activities, including preparation for a small show of exercises., & cleanup afterward . Evening set up, including diets In between elephant functions I worked in Veterinary kitchen; mixed various food stuffs According to animal diet I.e. (Monkeys = tubers, vegs, CHOW kernel. OR Lions=Ground horse meat w/ CHOW Kibbles). Portioned for keepers to pick up. Delivery to minor animals, monkeys, birds, turtles, hoof stock. Set preparation day – animals out, hose/clean nite quarters, place food. Nite clean up – animals in, hose/clean front display. .

Fairyland; Lake Merritt Oakland: Supervisor; Val DeLeon. Clean up & re-paint small prop/animal display houses in the park. Repaint ground decorations & “Magic Key” tour guide boxes.

Employment History


Central Kitchen: Pack outgoing cold carts for next day lunch. Approx 15 schools. Misc duties as needed.
School Sites: Cashier/server .Portion, Plate, serve,Replenish hot/cold lunch items at counters as needed. After lunch; Wash pots, clean & sanitize all surfaces.


Buildings And Rentals; James Calcetta .Main Sites: Michael Jimenez Gymnasium, Douglass Morrison Theater,Castro Valley Community Center, San Felipe Community Center, Weeks Comm Center, Cherryland Comm Center, Hayward Area Senior Center, Japanese Tea gardens, also outer community centers as needed. Building Attendant: Code in or Key into assigned building site, turn on lights, heaters, set up tables and chairs, per client set up, check in with client regarding rental condition pre & post rental. Clean up, checklist, lockup, code/key out.

Recreation Sites: Kennedy Park, Hayward Ca. Michael Mastroni .
Recreation Technician; Train Operator, Unlock 1 of 3 rides, Carousel, tea cup, or train. Log in opening paperwork. Operate that ride for the day, close ride, tally tickets collected, code out.

(CLOSED) COPYMAT OF HAYWARD, 510.886.4603-05/2006-05/2012 RE EMPLOY: 2015 – 2016

Graphic Designer – Operated Desktop publishing center. Consulted & created customer graphics, as ordered for commercial or personal use. In example; Custom logos, Proprietary typefaces, business cards, brochures, flyers, catalogs, labels, stickers, rubber stamps, signage, buttons etc. Operating knowledge of all machines, enabling independent completion of job(s) as necessary. 3 hole Drill press, folding machines, glue binding. Fiery Command, Color press options, (signatures, stapling etc). Oversize color, blueprint plotters, B/W printers, perfect bind, ring binding, foil printing.


Graphic Designer – Created customer graphics, as ordered for commercial or personal use. In example; Custom logos, Proprietary typefaces, business cards, brochures, flyers, catalogs, labels, stickers, rubber stamps, signage, buttons etc. Operating knowledge of all machines, enabling independent completion of job(s) as necessary. 3 hole Drill press, folding machines, glue binding. Fiery Command, Color press options, (signatures, stapling etc). Oversize color, blueprint plotters, B/W printers, perfect bind, ring binding, foil printing.


Sales person. Consult customer regarding designs, color ways and textile applications according to function. Operating knowledge of measuring methods & yardage needed for customers project. Maintained mailing list of 5,000 names. Designed store marketing collateral. Stock and arrange fabric according to coordinates in varying weaves & weights. Dressed end caps with samples of various Drapery & upholstery styles; Goblet Pleat Panels w/ Lattice top accent pillow on upholstered bench seat. Consulted customers on yardage & patterns; Round tablecloth, accent pillows.


Photographer – Photographed students using Lifetouch proprietary poses & equipment. Receive weekly photoshoot schedule to plot driving & arrival time. Consult with lead photographer every job site regarding set(s) placement. Pick up/return photo equipment daily. Personal Critique of prior photo shoots, personal improvement.


Dietary Service Supervisor – Dietary Operations; Patient admission Dietary assessment, Dietary care plans. Consult with Dietitian monthly re: Theraputic diets, patient diet orders, state & federal inspections, policies and procedures. All Dietary requisitions, food & equipment. Filled in hourly positions as needed. Q.A’s H.A.C.C.P. Install Pureed food program. Maintain State Title 22 health & safety standards for Dietary Operations.


Foodservice Director – Directed kitchen and dining room staff assisted by Dining Room mngr & asst. mngr. Food & equipment orders. Maintained Foodservice budget. Staff & hourly schedules & time cards. In service performance meetings. Responsible for employee hiring, training, discipline, termination Catered Facility functions, patient activities. Knowledge and ability of state inspection policies and procedures.


Kitchen Supervisor/Cook/Bottle washer – Kitchen Operations; prepared, cooked & served Therapeutic diets, patient diet orders, x 3 meals, state inspections, policies and procedures. Food & equipment orders. Catered Facility functions, patient activities. Resident diet accommodations paramount. Maintained foodservice budget. Pre inspect all facility kitchens (x 4) for State Requirements. Report to Administrator of Facility Operations. MSDS, CAL Osha.


Cook – Preparation of meal based on meal period, which includes but not limited to: Knowledge and ability of House menu meal processing from preparation to cooking to service. All house product made fresh daily.from orange juice to corn beef hash patties, & pies baked daily.

DANA’S HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE (888) 822-0220; OAKLAND, CA — 06/91-12/91

Housekeeper – Assignments varied, 1x – 3x weekly. Exp with; move outs, basic Cleaning, wood floors, fine furniture, laundry, vacuum, spring cleaning, minor outdoor areas, casual sweep, hose down, etc.


Cook – Preparation of meal based on meal period, which includes but not limited to: Knowledge and ability of meal processing from preparation to cooking to service, in highly stylized manner. Tray service to Skilled Nursing Wing. Ability to read and execute recipes. Knowledge and ability of cleaning & sanitation procedures. Knowledge and ability to recognize & follow foodservice policies and procedures; & MSDS.

WISTERIA CARE CENTER, 510.727.9169 CASTRO VALLEY, CA — 10/88-06/90

Housekeeping/Laundry – Collect & process all dirty laundry upon arrival, washing, drying fold/hang & deliver to patient rooms. Clean, sanitize & maintain all common & patient areas. Hallways, dining & bathrooms. Clean & maintain all work areas.
Cook – Preparation of meal based on meal period, which includes but not limited to: Knowledge and ability of meal processing from preparation to cooking to service.. Assemble diet carts for meal delivery. Individual therapeutic diets portioned per patient tray card. Ability to read and execute recipes. Knowledge and ability of cleaning & sanitation procedures. Knowledge and ability to recognize & follow foodservice policies and procedures; & MSDS.


Switchboard Operator – Answer, direct & exchange each client call after hours, etc. Utilizing PBX switchboard in various processes; patch thru, conference calls (4max), regular call. Knowledge & ability to handwrite notes and messages per client account ( Drs, Lawyer, Plumber, Police tow) & verbally relay back to client.


Game room Attendant – Open/close store. Exchange currency as needed. Maintain presentation of arcade, including minor repair of game machines, i.e swab contacts, light soldering, wire/fuse/bulb replace. Game chip/marquee trade out of proprietary cabinet. United Artist & subsidiaries. Count downn of all money drawers x 1 monthly, using coin counting machine.

Volunteer Activities

2021 – Presently (intermittent): Alameda County Community Food Bank.

Professional Projects


Dysphagic Diet (Pureed) Program . Implemented industry standard production practices to ensure uniformity. Limit use of pre-pureed items. Ensuring that puree & thickened diet is SECONDARY element in a DIET. Preparations must be palatable. Added non ISP practices formed by study and trials with target patients with reasonable available resources, I.e: food molds, use of pastry bags, scoops etc. Tools Used along with inherent qualities of food (color, texture), and standardized production procedures, adding the third element of shape achieved target goal of 50% more patient diet consumption during meals.


(Tele-Commute Per diem contract) Product Photographer/Collateral Designer Prepared menu items per company recipe. Styled & photographed menu Items in several shot positions to be used as a quality Indicators in example appearance, etc. Provided best of batch images to client via CD with contact sheet, in 3 formats, suited to printing (large files), web applications (small Files), and easy insert for other platforms: tiff, jpeg, PDF. Completed photo record of 4 menu cycles x 2 years. Paper to digital format. Designed, printed, assembled final marketing composite sample(s), coordinating photo illustrated menu. (Salesman’s Sample) . All relevant printing and digital files accompanied with the printer’s layout in the industry standard QUARK .5.0.

Personal Projects


Independent Event Vendor ; Hawaiian Charmz. 6 seasons, (3 yrs) attendance. Presented handmade jewelry from materials indigenous to Hawaii in traditional & contemporary designs, in varying prices According to skill, materials etc. All materials verified to be authentic before items are crafted. Also presented contemporary forged jewelry & semi – precious elements. Alongside proprietary designs. Independent vendor arrival & set up instr. 10×10 shop set up; draped tables, tabletop display accessories. Maximize space with grid wall & overhead apparatus, multi tier shelving, hooks, Hanging racks etc. Best strategic use of signage and prima product. Highest sale day $500. Average $200-$400 per day.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Rachael DeLeon Bailey
[email protected]

[email protected] 

Preserve & Conserve Successfully With Intellect

Easy to Like

Sure to Impress

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the last time you worked with elephants?


Why have you waited until now to pursue this career?

As my family commitments reserved all my time in the past, I now have the professional time to pursue such endeavors, without time or commitment restraints.

Why Elephants?

Why not? They are sentient & inspiring. As well as in dire need of protection

What are your expectations of such a study?

24/7 elephant “SMELLS” gritty, sometimes itchy, and thankless, but always dangerous work. I also believe there will be a collection of information through an understanding and communication not achieved otherwise.


Which elephants do you feel are the most at risk?

As of 2024 the Sumatran & Borean Pygmie are at critical levels. In theory, it is almost at an emergency level of not just their protection but their environment.

How critical do you think it is?

In theory, it is almost at an emergency level of not just their protection but their environment. At least if the environment was stable, that’s half the issue of the whole problem.

How would you start?

I would first reserve young elephants to start a “living elephant record” & refine them in a manner that their offspring being back bred will be prepared in a manner not yet perceived. Then preserve the DNA & environment, to then be able to conserve. Sustainability is paramount to ensure continuity.


Why is the Elephant so important?

Elephants are a keystone species. They are they main seed dispensers of their habitat(s). Loss of elephants in some areas has also show great tree loss as well. In this modern day, some tree species are found only along elephant routes.

Discover the specialists

My Inspirations & Mentors

Domestic Elephant, care & study, elephants in film

Kimmy the Baby elephant with early Oakland Zookeeper Val DeLeon
Smokey Jones (unseen to the right) Elephants in Film Entertainment
Ringling Bros. Center for Elephant Conservation®
 White Oak Conservation Center
Elephant Enrichment at the Preserve

Mentors of the “Elephant frontier”, as well as visionaries of the future to sustainably blend wild animals with domestication, to further research while caring for our living seed banks. Some populations are so critically red listed, a major disaster could extinct them permanently. At least with domesticated animals there is a living, viable, thriving, record to responsibly guard and disperse back to the wild to help bolster gene pools as well. the centuries of Poaching and crowding the elephants has also resulted in a serious tusk defect in Asians and Africans. Also healthcare is easy with tame domesticated animals, so more desirable results are achieved. It is also because of the early growing pains, that we now know more about the physical & mental needs (eg: space, food, attention, exercise, enrichement) of elephants to ensure a safe, positive & educational experience with our “Living Protected Records”. Ideally in this case, having a varied amount of heterozygous DNA available to back breed with. Also fact, elephants love attention and interaction, boredom spells disaster.

All these listed here are just a beginning of a list of interest I’m starting to compile and list here for convenience of future contacts.

Wild Elephant Conservation & Study

Dr. Cynthia Moss
Caitlin O’Connell
Elephant Sanctuary Tennesee

Andrea Tocalo